It's mostly one layer, angled toward the front, and stacked a little in the back.
Whadda think?

We've actually been together for 9 years which just sounds so much more impressive!! Hard to believe it's been that long really... time flies!
It was such a nice and laid back weekend, we really enjoyed it. We originally had planned to go out to eat to this fancy restaurant but it started pouring down rain... so we ordered pizza instead... we are just as content hangin out together at home with pizza and a movie than going out somewhere.
For a wedding present we got a wedding time capsule, so we've made it a tradition (well, I have, hee hee) to add something to it each year - and read some of the answers we wrote in a couple years ago.
It's kinda fun to see how things change each year. So that was our Saturday evening!
This year we wrote a note to ourselves and each other to open in 5 yrs! Which will be really hard for me not to open earlier!!!! we'll see..
Hope you are all having a good week - Happy Autumn!!!
Luv the new cut!!!
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