Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quiet on the home front

Things have settled down a bit and this week has gone pretty well.

Update on the baby stuff: we're still trying without the help of fertility meds.
Hoping to have some news either way in the next couple weeks, so will keep you all posted.

Trying not to be too anxious about it all..

So, in other news.. I totally rocked it in Fantasy Footbal this week! I am so excited!! I am actually tied for 2nd out of 10 people in our league. not too shabby if I do say so myself!

I really don't have a lot to say today, just sending a quick hello.

Oh, I got my hair cut today - shorter than I've ever had it, but I think I like it. Maybe I will post a pic.
No color this time, since there isn't any hard evidence if dying hair can affect a fetus I'd rather be safe than sorry, or have a reason to blame myself if something happened! (just in case ya know!)

My husband had a silly question for me today.. why do women feel the need to drive across the city to get their hair done? UM? I love my hair gal! She is awesome and has never done a bad job, so what is the question?

This is like my one splurgey thing.. I love to go to Static Salon in Broadripple! So if you need a good hair person, and are willing to go an extra mile or two.. go there! (and of course tell them I sent you :)

Alrighty, I am all out of fabulous tidbits to tell you!
I feel pretty lame, but hey what can I say? :)


1 comment:

Joy said...

Um...I'm waiting for a pic of the new hair!