Tuesday, November 11, 2008

just me and an empty room..

SO, I know it's been a while, but today I just need to vocalize some frustration!!

I had been debating about going to a support group for bereavement - this group is only for miscarriage and infant loss.. there was one posted for the 2nd tuesday of each month..today.

So I stalled a bit after work, stopped at the store, took the long way towards home in case i decided I wanted to go to the support group - it didn't start until 7p and i didn't want to drive home then drive back to the southside so i needed to kill some time... anyway i finally found my way to st francis's parking lot and decided to go inside.
FINALLY I find the "Community Room" and what do I see? A dark room.

hmm. well, I am a couple minutes early i thought.. so i wandered down the hall and back..

still no one. i check the schedule posted..no support group on there.

i talk to the front desk attendant, he doesn't know anything either.

I waited a few more minutes, but alas.. no show!

What kind of support group is that?!?
I plan to make a call tomorrow because it is posted on-line and everything.
It was really hard to get the guts to drag myself there to talk about something I don't REALLY want to talk about.

There's another one in a couple weeks at a different hospital, so I plan to try that one.
I should probably call first to make sure someone will be there!! :P

okay, sorry for the rant, just peeved at the "support" offered by our community!

1 comment:

Emily Stanley said...

Did you make that call and find out why no one was there??