Monday, September 22, 2008

Hair Pic & Anniversary Stuff

So I got my hair cut last weekend - here is the pic finally!
It's mostly one layer, angled toward the front, and stacked a little in the back.
Whadda think?

This weekend was my hubby and I's 5 year anniversary! :)
We've actually been together for 9 years which just sounds so much more impressive!! Hard to believe it's been that long really... time flies!

It was such a nice and laid back weekend, we really enjoyed it. We originally had planned to go out to eat to this fancy restaurant but it started pouring down rain... so we ordered pizza instead... we are just as content hangin out together at home with pizza and a movie than going out somewhere.

For a wedding present we got a wedding time capsule, so we've made it a tradition (well, I have, hee hee) to add something to it each year - and read some of the answers we wrote in a couple years ago.

It's kinda fun to see how things change each year. So that was our Saturday evening!

This year we wrote a note to ourselves and each other to open in 5 yrs! Which will be really hard for me not to open earlier!!!! we'll see..

Hope you are all having a good week - Happy Autumn!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quiet on the home front

Things have settled down a bit and this week has gone pretty well.

Update on the baby stuff: we're still trying without the help of fertility meds.
Hoping to have some news either way in the next couple weeks, so will keep you all posted.

Trying not to be too anxious about it all..

So, in other news.. I totally rocked it in Fantasy Footbal this week! I am so excited!! I am actually tied for 2nd out of 10 people in our league. not too shabby if I do say so myself!

I really don't have a lot to say today, just sending a quick hello.

Oh, I got my hair cut today - shorter than I've ever had it, but I think I like it. Maybe I will post a pic.
No color this time, since there isn't any hard evidence if dying hair can affect a fetus I'd rather be safe than sorry, or have a reason to blame myself if something happened! (just in case ya know!)

My husband had a silly question for me today.. why do women feel the need to drive across the city to get their hair done? UM? I love my hair gal! She is awesome and has never done a bad job, so what is the question?

This is like my one splurgey thing.. I love to go to Static Salon in Broadripple! So if you need a good hair person, and are willing to go an extra mile or two.. go there! (and of course tell them I sent you :)

Alrighty, I am all out of fabulous tidbits to tell you!
I feel pretty lame, but hey what can I say? :)


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Trying To Get Real

Nothing spectacular to post about. Just a little 'hello' to everyone!

I don't think I've been living up to what I really wanted to be/do with this blog...

My intentions were to be more transparent and upfront about our journey but I feel like I could be doing better at that...

It's been a bit of a roller coaster month and my emotions have risen and plummetted day to day..or more like hour to hour!

It was at a funeral - of all places (or not, maybe that's what's supposed to happen there?) - that I had a shift in my perception.. it didn't stay with me afterward really- just later as I reflected, but during the short service, I was filled with both joy and sorrow...

I hate seeing anyone losing a spouse and it makes me think of the "what-ifs" that just tear me in two. so that was part of the sorrow.

I was sad to lose this person from our family who was such a strong influential christian example.

But I was joyful for the life he led, the legacy he left behind, and the eternal life he had moved on to......

Here is where my 'shift' was.. I'm always so focused on the NOW. and what I want right NOW!

I know I've probably said this before - but I just hate that I slip back into this mind frame....
How do we stay focused on the eternal?

I get so frustrated with myself! I guess just life takes us there..

That's really only the tip of the iceberg this month...

Between fighting sinuses (yeah, what is up with the allergy season this year??)
Mending family hurts and illnesses, taking family to the er, getting dogs allergy meds....
Trying not to lose my job from being a crazy person and having to take last minute days off...
And trying to be a supportive wife as my hubby has multiple band practices in our house...
And of course the usual birthday parties and gatherings... and of course I decided to join fantasy football league this year!! (okay, parties and football - not bad things!)

SO anyway.. I am pretty much battling my hormones, my selfish being, and trying to stay focused on whatever it is that I'm supposed to be focused on. :) (god help me!) :)

YOWZA... anyone else ready for a new "season" ?? I am! Bring on autumn already!

(p.s. - I think my dog just yacked on the floor - I use that word because that's what it sounded like.... nice)