Saturday, April 5, 2008

To Eat or not to Eat

It's amazing all the things you learn in this process. From all the books and magazines, it almost becomes an obsession to make sure everything you do or don't do is perfect!

In preparation for whatever happens I've decided to give up my diet drinks - which I really enjoy, although I really don't drink them much... the bubbly yumminess is calling my name right now! How a Diet Mt Dew just hits the spot sometimes! I have seen several times that having one cup of coffee is okay - so for now I am still having that to enjoy! We'll see how that goes further down the road. I know Jesse was very watchful before about what I ate and drink which I thought was really sweet!

Since my body is "insulin resistant" which is basically pre-diabetic (some people/doctors though don't believe in pre-diabetice, you either are or you're not)

So if you don't watch what you eat (sugar/carbs) and make some lifestyle changes (exercise) things can get worse and will end up diabetic - I am used to using splenda or equal, drinking diet etc..

But now, due to some reading I've done - I am choosing not to, just in case.
For me it is the little pleasures in life, so this is a giant challenge. I do have some "raw natural" sugar to use but since it is still sugar and not a substitute, have to be careful not to use too much!!!
(that way I can eat birthday cake at dinner - like I did last night!! heehee, It was SO DELICIOUS!) sorry, I have a weakness!

Anywho - all this has been swirling around in my head lately - checking labels and reading books.
like I said - Obsession.

So far I'm not obsessing too much over what the results will be - just trying to leave it in God's Hands.
I know that whatever happens is His will for our lives.
Whatever path, or fork in the road He leads us to, I know He will be there with us and will guide us through.

I'm not saying it will be easy by ANY means, no matter what happens. It's never easy.
I don't think I use the word easy in my vocab anymore!

But with all the support from everyone.. at least things can be easier.
We love you all!!!!! You are great! :)

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