Sunday, March 30, 2008

Moving Right Along..

Here is the part where it gets tricky for me. I want to share everything but at the same time- don't want to go through the same thing we did last time.

So, with that said, I will carefully be choosing my words and probably not sharing the official results within the next 2-3 weeks... Just want to make sure things are progressing first!!

I start with the "booty shots" as I call them, tonight. Have to have injection of progesterone every day to support attachment (of fertilized egg) and then to support the pregnancy... god willing..

BUT~ no pun intended.. hee hee.. had to have the "HCG" (Human chorionic gonadotropin) shot yesterday morning to encourage the mature follicles to spit out the eggs, hence ovulation.

I REALLY dislike getting a shot in the booty.. not to mention having one EVERY DAY!!
It is so uncomfortable to sit, walk, sleep, pretty much anything that requires movement of the lower body or pressure on that spot.
It feels like a bad bruise, but there is nothing there but a happy face the nurse drew on there to mark the injection spot. (how clever of her, huh!)

My home nurse.. aka, Jesse, did a great job as always though. What a trooper! Maybe he missed his calling as a phlebotomist!?

Today I started running a low grade fever and have a bad headache.. pretty sure that is as a result of the hormones. Plus an achy bum would make anyone a little grumpy, eh?

Such is life, right? No pain, no gain.

So, my challenge is to be accepting of the pain... to try not to constantly complain...

And be grateful of the wonderful opportunity that God has allowed.. that He in fact has Blessed us with!

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