Sunday, April 26, 2009

Losing Baggage

Just a short post today, I have something pressing on my heart that I need to let loose!

I'm Hoping to LOSE some Baggage! Yes, that's right, lose it!

Not going on vacation, although I wish!!

I'm talking about baggage we accumulate..

We had a great sermon today about the baggage that we carry around in life.
(guilt, unforgiveness, unfulfilled expectations-like "unanswered prayers," bitterness, etc.)

It was really eye opening to me at the things that can be baggage and we may not even realize it.

I really want to take this to heart and work on "cleaning house" and get rid of some of my own baggage!

I know God has forgiven me, and set me free, but am I really taking advantage of that? Why then, do I still hold on to all this stuff that ties me down??

I want to live at my fullest potential, FOR REAL!!!!! ;)

I don't know that I have a lot of large pieces... a lot of little handbags, some backpacks...and maybe a couple full sized suitcases... maybe a trunk or two?!

Nothing like a little spring cleaning to cleanse the soul!!

( if you would like more info on the sermon, you can visit the City Community Church website: there is usually a podcast or something, there is even a you tube channel: )


He Lifts Me said...

Amen sister!

I've been reading a book touching on some of the same kinds of issues. One of the ideas from it was that, in the midst of trying to be "good" Christians, oftentimes, we neglect our emotions and therefore never allow Christ to touch us there. The sorrow must be expressed. The guilt must be expressed. The feelings must be known. Our loved ones need to hear, how we feel.

Joy said...

I'm dying to listen to the podcast now! Soooooo glad you guys are giving City Com a shot. Love havin ya:)

Dawna said...

Hi Shannon

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I pray things continue on a path to healing for you both. I agree with the baggage. It has seemingly taken me for years to dispose of some of it. I'm still carrying around a bit : (. I LOVED the poem.

Keep writing
