Thursday, July 3, 2008

a trying week

It has been quite a trying week..

I won't go into the details but a coworker lost her 20 year old daughter this week and it is just tearing at my heart.

An old friend of mine lost his cousin, she was 26.

These are such young lives being taken!

I just can't fathom the depth of grief .. the reasoning behind it.. it just doesn't make sense.

It has knocked me for a loop!

It may be odd, but I do think about the what ifs.. when we have kids (someday!)
I don't want to go through that.. I mean, I know God can and would get me through anything but I just don't wanna go there. (not that anyone does obviously)

Regardless, it's sparked several discussions with my husband and I.
It's led us to speak of loving those around us, deepening our relationships and embracing them.
Living each day to the fullest. Not being afraid to put ourselves out there a little more..

So I only hope that if nothing else becomes of those tragic losses, maybe a spark of love, from the brilliant personalities they had, will ignite the hearts of those who knew them.

I know it already has for me.

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