Friday, July 4, 2008

Lazy Day

I'm SO enjoying this lazy morning!

Although I was up until 1am, catching up on the technology I've been avoiding all week..
reading e-mail, myspace, facebook, blogs..
watching my dvr of random t.v. shows...

"So you think you can dance?" I really do think I can dance after watching this show..even though they are amazing and I am not.. I can still pretend to do all the amazing leaps and spins they do.. all the while looking totally ridiculous in my pj's at home! :)

"Army Wives" - accidentally stumbled on this show and was wrapped up in it.. it makes me think of all the people serving now and their families..

"The baby borrowers" - this is hilarious by the way -teenagers that 'borrow' babies because they either WANT to HAVE babies already, or think it would just be FUN..
They are boyfriend/girlfriend and have to take care of the baby, and one has to go to work.
I hope lots of teenagers watch this show - it shows the 'ugly' side of parenting and hopefully will knock some sense into some of them! Still is funny though...

Anyway ~ I just totally enjoyed engrossing myself.

Today I am getting ready to rejoin reality..... sort of.. I am reading up on San Francisco!!

We leave in exactly ONE week and I am SO excited to see my sister!

My hubby, brother and I will be there for almost a week ~ staying with my sister and her fiance.


For sure will miss my 2 doggies but the will be staying w/ my mom. sniff. sniff :(

Okay, so sorry this is sorta lame.. but this is my morning!

Still actively trying for baby. So far have had 5 sessions of myofascial release therapy.

So this will be our first time trying after multiple sessions of therapy - prayerfully..prayerfully..prayerfully this will be it (I am going to say this everytime until it happens!)

I know God has been guiding us through this process and will continue to be with us!

Happy Fourth of July!

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