Friday, July 4, 2008

Lazy Day

I'm SO enjoying this lazy morning!

Although I was up until 1am, catching up on the technology I've been avoiding all week..
reading e-mail, myspace, facebook, blogs..
watching my dvr of random t.v. shows...

"So you think you can dance?" I really do think I can dance after watching this show..even though they are amazing and I am not.. I can still pretend to do all the amazing leaps and spins they do.. all the while looking totally ridiculous in my pj's at home! :)

"Army Wives" - accidentally stumbled on this show and was wrapped up in it.. it makes me think of all the people serving now and their families..

"The baby borrowers" - this is hilarious by the way -teenagers that 'borrow' babies because they either WANT to HAVE babies already, or think it would just be FUN..
They are boyfriend/girlfriend and have to take care of the baby, and one has to go to work.
I hope lots of teenagers watch this show - it shows the 'ugly' side of parenting and hopefully will knock some sense into some of them! Still is funny though...

Anyway ~ I just totally enjoyed engrossing myself.

Today I am getting ready to rejoin reality..... sort of.. I am reading up on San Francisco!!

We leave in exactly ONE week and I am SO excited to see my sister!

My hubby, brother and I will be there for almost a week ~ staying with my sister and her fiance.


For sure will miss my 2 doggies but the will be staying w/ my mom. sniff. sniff :(

Okay, so sorry this is sorta lame.. but this is my morning!

Still actively trying for baby. So far have had 5 sessions of myofascial release therapy.

So this will be our first time trying after multiple sessions of therapy - prayerfully..prayerfully..prayerfully this will be it (I am going to say this everytime until it happens!)

I know God has been guiding us through this process and will continue to be with us!

Happy Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

a trying week

It has been quite a trying week..

I won't go into the details but a coworker lost her 20 year old daughter this week and it is just tearing at my heart.

An old friend of mine lost his cousin, she was 26.

These are such young lives being taken!

I just can't fathom the depth of grief .. the reasoning behind it.. it just doesn't make sense.

It has knocked me for a loop!

It may be odd, but I do think about the what ifs.. when we have kids (someday!)
I don't want to go through that.. I mean, I know God can and would get me through anything but I just don't wanna go there. (not that anyone does obviously)

Regardless, it's sparked several discussions with my husband and I.
It's led us to speak of loving those around us, deepening our relationships and embracing them.
Living each day to the fullest. Not being afraid to put ourselves out there a little more..

So I only hope that if nothing else becomes of those tragic losses, maybe a spark of love, from the brilliant personalities they had, will ignite the hearts of those who knew them.

I know it already has for me.