Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taking a Break

I think we are officially taking a break from the infertility treatments..

Maybe a couple months off ~ need some breathing time..

need to recoupe, regroup, recover.

There are risks involved in taking the meds for extended periods of time as well as the financial and emotional taxing.

So, there you have it!

It's difficult - because it feels like giving up, or failure because it hasn't happened yet.

But there are options we haven't tried yet and different treatments, so we will be discussing the 'next steps' and possibly give it another try in a couple months.

It's also nearing the time period that had I carried the first pregnancy full term, I would be due soon... kinda strange to think about.

I remember thinking of how 'fat' I'd be for our friends wedding (which is next wkend) so hey, I guess I don't have to worry about waddling around.. and how I hoped our friend and his new wife would be back from their honeymoon before I delivered..

I find it difficult to think of positives for this one...
But, I know it will take time!!!

We plan to keep trying on our own in the meantime. You just never know what God has in store!

So right now, just praying for patience and perseverance.. it builds character right!?


Andrea said...

Praying for you Shannon....


PS You are NOT giving up...just giving it time....

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! You are such a trooper and inspiration! You have taken all life's stuff, and u keep on trucking! I am really proud of you!

I have learned that things happen, and we may never know why...but you have to trust that God knows the plans He has for you and Jesse!


Anonymous said...

Good post.