Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Patience is a virtue...

Patience is a virtue right????


Today was definitely a test of patience! Nothing serious - but SO annoying!

Imagine that call you make to get a bill adjusted and no one knows what they are doing or who you need to talk to. and all you get is transfer, transfer, call this number, transfer, transfer...

That is what most of my day consisted of.. I was ready to EXPLODE!

I really thought I was doing well for a while, but after the 5th transfer... I was getting a little testy. I jokingly said... "Well, I guess the fifth time's a charm! Go ahead and transfer me!" hee hee.

I am praying for a new job just in case anyone wants to send up a prayer for me.... :)

SO.. here is the ponderism - Makes me think - Life is kinda like that...

One day you are going one way.. oh, wait.. that's not right, okay hold please...
Then.. okay here we go.. I'm cookin' with grease now.. oh shoot. hmm.
Let's go this way..

But my other thought is - all those times I was transferred, I was talking to the WRONG person.

Once I got connected to someone who KNEW what I needed, everything worked out.

Kinda like life. So many times I think we are just dialing the wrong number -
listening to what the 'it' voices of the world say, or not listening to the prompts being spoken to us.

There have been several times I've gotten distracted when I was supposed to be listening to the prompts and didn't know which button to push.

The good thing is - when that happened, I was usually transferred to a representative who could help.

So I guess the best thing to remember is, if I/you/anyone miss the prompt - There's always someone there to help!

Who would've thunk it. All those idiots I talked to today inspired me!!
(sorry, but seriously though, I was really to reach through the phone!)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You are a great writer Shannon!!!

Enjoyed getting caught up and am praying for ya of course...
