Monday, March 24, 2008

All Pumped Full of Drugs!

Hello all,
Things are going fairly smooth so far.. Have only had a couple difficult moments due to the hormones. I was quite emotional on day 3 - which was the first day I started taking the Clomid (stimulates ovulation) and the Estrace (estrogen) and then on day 6, Saturday, when I just had to stop, cry, and take a nap... the world was simply falling apart at that exact moment :P
.... but .... only 2 days of insaness, not could be worse.

It's strange really ~ I'm not sure what is so different this time around. BUT I am NOT complaining!

Tomorrow will be the last day of "Gonal F" shots:
(human follicle stimulating hormone which is the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of egg-containing follicles)
Which I have to give myself in the stomach. :(
They aren't too bad now that I am used to it, but the first time I ever had to do it I was a nervous wreck. I am certainly getting used to needles, and my fear of them is much less now!

I go for an ultrasound Friday to check things out. We are hoping for mature follicles at this appointment!! Unfortunately Jesse won't be able to go with me - he has to work late, so I am going solo. So everyone think good thoughts and say some prayers and cross your fingers! :)

We really appreciate all the encouragement and support! Hope you all had a good Easter!

**Don't forget you can leave comments on here (somehow)**

1 comment:

Andrea said...


SO glad you are blogging your experiences...

Can't wait to follow!!!
