Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taking a Break

I think we are officially taking a break from the infertility treatments..

Maybe a couple months off ~ need some breathing time..

need to recoupe, regroup, recover.

There are risks involved in taking the meds for extended periods of time as well as the financial and emotional taxing.

So, there you have it!

It's difficult - because it feels like giving up, or failure because it hasn't happened yet.

But there are options we haven't tried yet and different treatments, so we will be discussing the 'next steps' and possibly give it another try in a couple months.

It's also nearing the time period that had I carried the first pregnancy full term, I would be due soon... kinda strange to think about.

I remember thinking of how 'fat' I'd be for our friends wedding (which is next wkend) so hey, I guess I don't have to worry about waddling around.. and how I hoped our friend and his new wife would be back from their honeymoon before I delivered..

I find it difficult to think of positives for this one...
But, I know it will take time!!!

We plan to keep trying on our own in the meantime. You just never know what God has in store!

So right now, just praying for patience and perseverance.. it builds character right!?

Friday, May 16, 2008

TGIF!! (and an FYI)

I just wanted to let you all know that I changed some of the settings.
Some have had troubles posting comments so hope it helps.
You know I am still learning about this so bear with me!

Jesse is watching the movie "Signs" on t.v. - I don't know what it is but this movie scares me!
I hate those creepy lanky aliens and I hate when they are trying to bust into the house!! eeek!

So, Nothing earth shattering on my mind today... just exhausted from this week.

Jesse and I took advantage of the nice weather tonight and walked the dogs around the neighborhood. (We love our dogs, but we're not hardcore enough to walk them in crappy weather.. sorry doggies! Instead we just give them treats and play, so that's why they are a little chunky! But they're happy and very loved!!)

It's been such a long week and I haven't been sleeping well so I am really pooped!
Mostly my fault though... have been on the computer way too much and went out with the 'smartmommas' group last night. (i am of course an honorary member)

I usually have good intentions about going to bed but just doesn't happen. Plus just was having too much fun last night watching 2 girls get tatoos!!!

It was my first time in a tattoo parlor and it was pretty cool I thought!

I told Jesse I'm gonna have to get one soon... he isn't real hip on the idea but we'll see :) hee hee ~~~ and don't ask how a moms group ended up in a tat parlor!! We are just cool like that. the other option was a movie, so ya know, of course tattoo parlor was the logical choice....

dinner.. dessert... tattoos. :)

okay.. I am typing with one eye closed bcause it's scary on tv right now...
Alien shadow in the t.v.... alien holding little boy... yikes!!!
i am such a wuss! I used to like scary movies.. no can do anymore!
scary alien face!! thank god this movie is almost over!

So I'll be up for a while tonight for sure!!!!

Wish me Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Patience is a virtue...

Patience is a virtue right????


Today was definitely a test of patience! Nothing serious - but SO annoying!

Imagine that call you make to get a bill adjusted and no one knows what they are doing or who you need to talk to. and all you get is transfer, transfer, call this number, transfer, transfer...

That is what most of my day consisted of.. I was ready to EXPLODE!

I really thought I was doing well for a while, but after the 5th transfer... I was getting a little testy. I jokingly said... "Well, I guess the fifth time's a charm! Go ahead and transfer me!" hee hee.

I am praying for a new job just in case anyone wants to send up a prayer for me.... :)

SO.. here is the ponderism - Makes me think - Life is kinda like that...

One day you are going one way.. oh, wait.. that's not right, okay hold please...
Then.. okay here we go.. I'm cookin' with grease now.. oh shoot. hmm.
Let's go this way..

But my other thought is - all those times I was transferred, I was talking to the WRONG person.

Once I got connected to someone who KNEW what I needed, everything worked out.

Kinda like life. So many times I think we are just dialing the wrong number -
listening to what the 'it' voices of the world say, or not listening to the prompts being spoken to us.

There have been several times I've gotten distracted when I was supposed to be listening to the prompts and didn't know which button to push.

The good thing is - when that happened, I was usually transferred to a representative who could help.

So I guess the best thing to remember is, if I/you/anyone miss the prompt - There's always someone there to help!

Who would've thunk it. All those idiots I talked to today inspired me!!
(sorry, but seriously though, I was really to reach through the phone!)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Heart Pangs

just a short blog today.. have something on my mind.

I have been seeing things "outside of the box" lately.

That box being my little world..

I am blessed. I should really not be complaining about how much I dislike my job or the dirty laundry..

I should be happy to wash my clothes with my two capable hands, and hang them up in my closet, in my house. Then get up early out of my warm bed to take a hot shower, eat and drive my car to my job!

How many people in this messed up world can NOT do some or ANY of these things???
Earthquakes and Tornados, corrupt governments, recession, unemployement, etc. etc...
So many people hurting, doing without the bare necessities.. and here I am complaining about the blessings I have?!?!

My heart aches for them.